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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Australia You've Got An HP Denier

His name is Terry Krieg and here he is "exploding the myths" about nuclear power.  I don't know who he is or what the venue is other than a Rotary Club meeting.  In the beginning he informs us he's also a climatology denier.  Then at around 10:30 he goes for health physics denial.

There's the "people adapt to radiation" myth and that chronic low level radiation stimulates the immune system.  People have evolved to deal with radiation, but not perfectly.  And chronic low level radiation is both immuno-stimulative and immuno-depressive depending on the specifics.  But that doesn't mean that it doesn't simultaneously increase the cancer risk.

And he mentions Bernard Cohen's challenge of eating plutonium against Ralph Nader's claim of its hazard.  Of course, the primary hazard is inhalation, which is why Cohen chose "eating", he knew it was too hazardous to come up with an inhalation challenge.

Some of the myths he mentions are truly nuclear power plants can't get insurance.  They can, but the liability is capped, which he doesn't mention.  The nuclear power fuel cycle is not free of greenhouse gas emissions, but it would be a vast reduction compared to fossil fuels.

The Rotary Club has a 4-Way test regarding thinking, saying and doing:

  • Is it the truth?
  • Is it fair to all concerned?
  • Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
  • Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

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